Category: writings

  • Using a page builder like Elementor

    I’ve been a big convert to Elementor in the last year. It is a fantastic page builder and essentially it makes themes completely useless. For websites, rather than blogs, I always found themes to be confusing to the novice user. The idea that you would choose your theme before you had content is misleading. I…

  • Customising your WordPress working environment

    Looking for ways to improve how you customise your WordPress environment?

  • Aporia – What does it mean?

    Aporia – What does it mean?

    Why did I name my company, Aporia? There are a lot of reasons for choosing a company name. It is meant to signify something. It is also a way to identify something, a way to find it or even to create a brand. I chose Aporia for all these reasons, but in some way, I…